
1.   Background 
 The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan has received grant funding in the amount of US$50.0 million from the World Bank for the implementation of the "Learning Environment – Foundation of Quality Education Project” (the Project, LEARN) during 2023-2029. The Project will be implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science (MoES), and in close coordination with the Agency for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science (ASSES). 
2. Project Description
The Project Development Objective is to enhance the quality of teaching and learning environments in selected general secondary schools. “Teaching and Learning environment” in this project refers to the complete physical, social, and pedagogical context in which learning is intended to occur. The teaching and learning environment in this project is defined as consisting of the skills and competencies of teachers and physical learning spaces where learning occurs . It is school settings (not just classrooms) and contexts in which students learn and teachers teach within the school premises.
The Project consists of the following components: 
1. Component 1: Development of the National Framework for Teaching and Learning Environment (Framework) for Better Teaching and Learning Practices. The component activities will review the current teaching and learning environment standards and practices, and develop a new framework that will be adopted nationwide and implemented in the project schools (selected under Component 2). The component activities will review and revise the national level processes for monitoring and evaluating the teaching and learning environment - so that they hold schools accountable and promote their improvement; and enhance the quality of teaching and learning in classrooms through in-service training for teachers and informed by the new national framework. 
2. Component 2: Improvement of the Quality and Resilience of Teaching and Learning Environments. The second component would assist selected schools in: (i) rehabilitation of physical infrastructure to meet minimum teaching and learning standards defined in the new national framework as well as reduce shifts and increase teaching/learning time; and (ii) modernization to accelerate quality improvement of teaching and learning in collaboration with other donors. 
3. Component 3: Building Capacity in Education Assessments and Project Management The third component would support capacity development in the MoES, including the capacity to carry out national and international learning assessments.
Implementation of the National Framework for the Teaching and Learning Environment will entail reform of the quality assurance mechanisms used in Tajikistan. For this purpose, within the subcomponent 1.2 the MoES is hiring a consultant to “Review of the roles of institutions responsible for quality assurance of the teaching and learning environment in schools in Tajikistan”.
In based of suggestions of International and interagency working group under the MoES the structure of the Draft of the National Framework include 4 main components as Governance environment, Pedagogical Environment, Physical Environment and Assessment. The National Framework will be based on best international practice and will be adapted to the local context. Additionally, the National Framework will be used for monitoring and assessment in teaching and learning environment in primary and secondary schools. The individual consultant will be hired to strengthen the work of the working group created at the MoES and will contribute to the development of the Framework. 
The consultant collaborates closely with the Chief Education Specialist the International and other national consultants  in the development of the Framework. Additionally, the consultant actively engages with the working group established by the MoES to ensure comprehensive and coordinated efforts across all aspects of the project.
3. Objectives of the Assignment 
The objective of this assignment is to conduct a comprehensive review of the roles and effectiveness of institutions responsible for ensuring the quality of the teaching and learning environment in schools in Tajikistan.
i. Review and propose the institutional capacity, financing and necessity in services on ensuring the quality required for the successful and sustainable implementation of the new national framework for teaching and learning environment.   
ii. Collaborate with stakeholders to gather insights and validate findings.
iii. Propose options for further consideration by the government in order to ensure the use of quality assurance to increase learning and school accountability.
4. Scope of Services:
The scope of work would be expected to include but not be limited to the following. 
Institutional analysis, development of Methodology 
a) development of methodology, data collection tools and selecting the number of education departments and departments to analyze the role of institutions responsible for ensuring the quality of the teaching and learning environment in schools in Tajikistan;
b) Select a representative sampling of education department of the districts (for example, Dushanbe, DRS, Khatlon, Sughd, GBAO regions) for detailed analysis.
a) Conduct a critical analysis of the role of institutions responsible for ensuring the quality of the teaching and learning environment in schools in Tajikistan, such as the Agency for Supervision of Education and Science (-ASES), the National Testing Center under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan (NTC), the quality Department under the MoES and its substructures (if necessary, selectively management and education departments). As well, will review and revision of processes and tools for school visits/inspections currently carried out by inspectors. At the district level, the Consultant will interview the head of the regional education department, and the person responsible for the quality of education at the district level (obtain views through a stratified review: no less and no more than 3 years of work experience). Study of the processes, methodologies and tools used by inspectors in accreditation, licensing, monitoring and evaluation of the schools and provide recommendations for improving their quality. 
b) Analyze the role of institutions responsible for ensuring the quality of the teaching and learning environment in schools in Tajikistan;
c) Perform rigorous quantitative analysis to ensure that assessment needs are statistically significant and representative of the involved personnel.
Mapping and gap analysis 
a) Map the roles and responsibilities of each institution and visualize overlaps. 
b) Analyze the best international practices and identify/visualize gaps that aren’t covered by any of these institutions. The analysis should rely on the international approach to quality of learning and institutional quality assurance systems  spanning from classroom assessment to international large scale assessments ;
c) Identify gaps in current institutional frameworks and recommend improvements.
Institutional Capacity and Financing
a) Asses and propose the institutional capacity of the institutions for the successful and sustainable implementation of the new national framework for teaching and learning environment;
b) Consider and propose financing and necessity in services on ensuring the quality for the successful and sustainable implementation of the new national framework for teaching and learning environment;
Collaboration and Coordination: 
a) Coordinate with the Chief Education Specialist (MOES), International Consultant, working groups, relevant departments, subdivisions/institutions of the MoES to align the institutional review with the overarching goals and methodologies of LEARN Project. 
b) Work with other national consultants hired to contribute to the development of the national framework to ensure a holistic approach to the framework development.
c) Collaborate with Working Group members to refine project outcomes and integrate diverse viewpoints into the final recommendations. 
a) Liaise closely with all key stakeholders as part of the development of the National Framework for Teaching and Learning Environment.
b) Facilitate consultations with government officials, inspectors school leaders, teachers, parents, and students to gather diverse perspectives on governance issues.
c) Participate in all meetings and events related to the development of the Framework within the activities of the LEARN Project.
5. Deliverables: 
# Deliverables Timeframe (after contract signing) % Of contract payment 
1 Provide an initial report, including a detailed plan outlining a step-by-step approach to completing the assignment.
Approved methodology, including data collection tools, quantitative data on educational departments and divisions to analyze the role of institutions responsible for ensuring the quality of the teaching and learning environment in schools in Tajikistan August 2024
3 weeks 15%
2 An interim report containing: (i) the amount of completed data for analysis and assessment of the role of institutions; (ii) the number of documents collected for desk review; (iii) providing data or supporting documents about trips to districts and regions, (iv) report on conducted  review and revision of processes and tools for school visits/inspections currently carried out by inspectors. Visualizations and descriptions as defined in the paragraph 3. September - October 2024
6 weeks
3 Final report containing: (i) final report, including recommendations to the government on improvement across all main sub-objectives specified in paragraph 3 of this ToR, including the function overlaps and gaps based on best international practices; (ii) presentations on the results of the conducted review at a round table with the participation of stakeholders; (iii) report on the completion of the consultant’s work in accordance with this term of reference. October -November 2024
6 weeks 50%
15 weeks
6. Qualification and personal requirements
The Consultant should have the following qualifications: 
a. Masters/PhD in Education, Public Policy, Economics, International Development, or related discipline(s).
b. Minimum 5 years professional experience in educational policy analysis, institutional assessment, or a closely related field
c. Proven ability and experience to develop and conduct research on assessment in education system and experience in conducting learning needs assessments of government employees
d. Proven methodological knowledge to conduct reviews, focus groups, interviews and work with data collection tools 
e. Experience in education policy development, especially on improving the quality and effectiveness of institutional capacity, financing and quality assurance services.
f. Able to work independently, and as part of a team and produce high-quality outputs under tight time constraints. 
g. Highly organized and detail-oriented.
h. Proficiency in English and Russian will be an advantage.
7. Reporting Obligations Qualification and personal requirements
The Consultant will report to Project Director and will work under the direction of Project Coordinator and Chief Education Specialist.   
8. Assignment Duration 
The consultancy will be for 4 (four) months, starting on August 12th, 2024.
9. Other related terms and conditions 
Payment terms: This is a lump sum contract and will be inclusive of all professional fees, travel costs as well and any taxes due to be paid in Tajikistan. Payment will be made against deliverables as specified in the contract under item 5.
Collaboration: The consultant will facilitate regular meetings with the M&E team and where necessary representatives of other relevant agencies to provide feedback, solve any challenges as they arise, and ensure the inclusion of stakeholders in discussions related to M&E. 
Language: Final deliverables will be developed and presented in Russian.  Translation to Tajik and English will be supported by the MOES. 
Proprietary rights: All documentation prepared by the Project over the course of the proposed assignment shall be confidential and become and remain the absolute property of the Government of Tajikistan.
Equipment and other expenditures of the consultancy: The consultant, at their own expense, will procure office accessories (computer technics, software) required for its tasks and other equipment and technical means required for the implementation of this assignment. The Consultant will be responsible for technical maintenance of equipment and will work from their own office unless undertaking in-country travel or site visits.  
During country/site visits: The MoES will provide appropriate office premises and necessary equipment such as WIFI connectivity as well as necessary translation services.