 1. Background
The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan has received grant funding in the amount of US$50.0 million from the World Bank for the implementation of the "Learning Environment – Foundation of Quality Education Project” (the Project, LEARN) during 2023-2029. The Project will be implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science (MoES) and in close coordination with the Agency for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science (ASSES).
2. Project Description
The Project Development Objective is to enhance the quality of teaching and learning environments in selected general secondary schools. “Teaching and Learning environment” in this project refers to the complete physical, social, and pedagogical context in which learning is intended to occur. The teaching and learning environment in this project is defined as consisting of the skills and competencies of teachers and physical learning spaces where learning occurs. It encompasses school settings (not just classrooms) and contexts in which students learn and teachers teach within the school premises.
The Project consists of the following components:
1. Component 1: Development of the National Framework for Teaching and Learning Environment (Framework) for Better Teaching and Learning Practices. This component will review current standards and practices, developing a new framework to be adopted nationwide and implemented in selected project schools. It will also review and revise national processes for monitoring and evaluating the teaching and learning environment to hold schools accountable and promote improvement. Additionally, it aims to enhance teaching quality through in-service teacher training informed by the new framework.
2. Component 2: Improvement of the Quality and Resilience of Teaching and Learning Environments. This component will assist selected schools in rehabilitating physical infrastructure to meet minimum standards defined in the new framework, reduce shifts, and increase teaching/learning time. It will also modernize schools to accelerate quality improvements in collaboration with other donors.
3. Component 3: Building Capacity in Education Assessments and Project Management. This component supports capacity development within the MoES, including conducting national and international learning assessments.
Implementation of the Framework will require enhancement of physical practices in Tajikistan. Therefore, the MoES is hiring a consultant under subcomponent 1.2 to develop the section on the physical environment of the national framework for teaching and learning.
In based of suggestions of International and interagency working group under the MoES the structure of the Draft of the National Framework include 4 main components as Governance environment, Pedagogical Environment, Physical Environment and Assessment. The National Framework will be based on best international practice and will be adapted to the local context. Additionally, the National Framework will be used for monitoring and assessment in teaching and learning environment in primary and secondary schools. The individual consultant will be hired to strengthen the work of the working group created at the Ministry of Education and Science and will contribute to the development of the Framework. 
The consultant collaborates closely with the Chief Education Specialist, the International and other national consultants in the development of the Framework. Additionally, the consultant actively engages with the working group established by the Ministry of Education and Science to ensure comprehensive and coordinated efforts across all aspects of the project.
 3. Objectives of the Assignment
The assignment aims to assess and develop recommendations to enhance physical practices affecting the quality and effectiveness of teaching and learning environments in Tajikistan's schools. The objectives include:
- Conducting an assessment of current physical practices and policies and their impact on the learning environment.
- Contributing to the development of the physical environment chapter of the National Framework.
- Collaborating with stakeholders to improve the quality of the National Framework.
- Supporting capacity building and implementation of the piloting process.
- Drafting an implementation plan for the National Framework.
 4. Scope of Services
The scope of work includes but is not limited to:
Assessment of Current School Designs:
a) Conduct a comprehensive analysis of current physical policies and practices, and their impact on the learning environment.
b) Identify driving factors behind current school designs, including practices, regulations, and skills of design companies.
 Identification of New Requirements:
a) Determine what is needed to develop new types of schools and learning spaces.
b) Provide recommendations on the utilization of these spaces by teachers and students.
 Framework Development Contribution:
a) Develop the physical environment section of the National Framework, incorporating international best practices and local context.
b) Collaborate with international and local consultants, MoES working groups, ASSES, and other agencies to draft a new National Framework.
c) Participate in consultations with all interested parties regarding new teaching and learning practices.
 Barrier Analysis:
a) Identify barriers to achieving new schools and pedagogy.
b) Provide a detailed analysis and suggest ways to overcome these barriers.
Roadmap for Implementation:
a) Develop a comprehensive roadmap outlining necessary actions, review of regulations, and implementation steps.
b) Coordinate with stakeholders to ensure smooth execution of the roadmap.
Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement:
a) Coordinate with international consultants, working groups, and relevant MoES departments to align project goals and methodologies.
b) Engage with national consultants to ensure a holistic approach.
c) Facilitate consultations with government officials, school leaders, teachers, parents, and students to gather diverse perspectives.
d) Participate in meetings and events related to the development of the Framework.
Capacity Building and Implementation Support:
a) Coordinate capacity building for educators and school management on the new framework.
b) Assist in developing training materials and processes.
c) Support the development of indicators for assessing quality education.
d) Assist in developing a piloting plan for the National Framework.
Review and Finalization:
a) Participate in finalizing, revising, and approving the National Framework.
b) Provide timely suggestions for improvements.
c) Report monthly to the chief specialist for Component 1 and provide daily progress updates if necessary.
d) Perform other duties as needed for the development of the National Framework.
5. Deliverables
# Deliverables Timeframe (after contract signing) % Of contract payment 
1 Provide an initial report, including assessment of physical practices and review of the table of contents for the physical environment chapter of the National Framework, and a short report on collaboration and stakeholder engagement July – August 2024
3 weeks 
2 An interim report, containing the draft of the National Framework for the Teaching and Learning Environment (especially the Physical Environment), a draft implementation plan for the National Framework, and a short report on framework development contribution and stakeholder engagement. August - September 2024
6 weeks 
3 Final report containing, the finalized section of the Physical Environment, the approved National Framework for Teaching and Learning, a presentation of the document with interested parties, and a completion report on the consultant’s work. October- November 2024
8 weeks 50%
17 weeks
6. Qualification and Personal Requirements
The consultant should have the following qualifications:
a) Master’s degree in engineering, development studies, social sciences, or a related field.
b) Experience in working on educational reforms, particularly in developing regulatory documents.
c) At least 7 years of professional experience in the engineering system of Tajikistan.
d) Experience with donor-funded projects and/or international organizations is an advantage.
e) Excellent analytical, writing, and communication skills.
f) At least 10 years of experience in the civil engineering sector.
g) PhD in civil engineering or architecture.
h) Knowledge of regulatory standards for design/construction in Tajikistan.
i) Familiarity with the construction/rehabilitation context in Tajikistan.
j) Experience in construction/restoration of public objects in Tajikistan or Central Asia.
k) Proficiency in Russian and Tajik languages; English is an advantage.
l) Proficiency in Microsoft Office, internet, email, ZOOM meetings, AutoCAD, ARCHICAD, MS Project, and ability to learn new systems.
7. Reporting Obligations
The Consultant will report to the Project Director and work under the direction of the Project Coordinator and Chief Education Specialist.
8. Assignment Duration
The consultancy will be for 5 months, starting on July 25th, 2024.
9. Other Related Terms and Conditions
Payment Terms: This is a lump sum contract, inclusive of all professional fees, travel costs, and taxes due in Tajikistan. Payment will be made against deliverables as specified in section 5.
Collaboration: The consultant will facilitate regular meetings with the working group and other relevant agencies to provide feedback, solve challenges, and ensure stakeholder inclusion.
Language: Final deliverables will be in Tajik. Translation to Russian and English will be supported by the MoES.
Proprietary Rights: All documentation prepared during the assignment will remain the property of the Government of Tajikistan.
Equipment and Expenditures: The consultant will procure necessary office accessories at their own expense and will be responsible for technical maintenance. Office premises and necessary equipment will be provided by the MoES during country/site visits.